Sunday, 20 March 2011

Back to school again !

Omg! I just dun believe tomorrow actually we're gonna school again. I hate mondays xD. We had just had so much fun in the holidays weekends and it'll over. well, i dun know if it was fun or whatever.. For me, it was booring bcause im ''trapped'' at ''home''. lols. Maybe some of you enjoyed yourself by flying to other countries. Good for you ;)
Im feelin happy juga la .. Cuz me bleh jumpa my beloved friends,teachers and all of it,  haha, can recess  again, talk2 again .. Its not bad as I thought. Hmm, hope tomorrow im not ''pengsan'' again.. xD seriously -,-||

Monday, 14 March 2011

I Hate Monday !

Urrghh, I hate monday so much, cuz you know what? Its not because of the studies but the assembly o,o'' yeah, bila sda berhimpun d dewan sklah.. Bermula la beberapa minit mcm 30min gitu la, aku dpat merasakan penglihatan q hitam dan pening2.. Rasa cam mau pengsan aja! I feel the hotness like HELL .. Jd, aku x dpat tahan lalu aku duduk. Kwn d blakang sya mmangil pengawas2 d blakang tu dan they drag me to the back seat. Thanks! -,-''
I can feel that some people are starring at me like this --> (0,0) I say to myself  ''Omg, this is soo embarassing!'' haha, pengawas2 tu ckp ''ok ka kau, kau ok ka''? Aku ckp aku pening.. Jd, ada ni satu dua pengawas kipas2 aku pkai kertas/buku ? *more embarass* , aku ckap ''xpalah aku ok sda'' pastu aku gi dpan lgi, berdiri lama2..
Jeng2 bermula lagi msa aku berdiri (the second time), aku rsa mcm lemah betul berpusing2 kepala ku. Don't laugh ya xD. Aku ke belakang lgi pengawas2 tu ketawa2 sbab second time sda aku duduk. Dorang ckap aku x mkan ka atau ada skit apa aku ckap aku sda mkan tapi lemah betul aku.. pastu beberpa min, nanyi lagu yg terakihir sda.. Fuhh, leganya hatiku thank god ! And then nyanyi la sda lagu terakhir, drang nyanyi aku tengok depan jak :P .. ok thats all I want to write cuz I hav no idea already :)

My Daily Life

Hmm.. Let me think.. In the morning, bangun jam 10.30, cuci muka, berus gigi, mandi, *go to my room* pkai baju sklah, *down stairs* mkan sarapan. Haha.. klau sempat, online FB kejap and on the go.. Biasanya, pergi ke sklah jam 11.30/ 11.40.
Grr, aku kdang2 lambat juga. Lol, bangun jam 11.00. klau lambat bngun bermula la datang kakak ku membebel sna x_x .*tutup telinga*. and on the rush ambil tuala, mandi smbil berus gigi slama 15/20 minit sejaa xD haha, mandi kerbau akuu ! Tapi ndak apalah asalkan mandi.. Trus ke sklah *vrroomm vroomm* naik kereta..
12.00- *Arrived at school* - cpat2 naik kelas .. Tapi sblum tu, aku bisik2 ckp sory terlmbat sma pengawas2 tgatan 1 dlu.. Pastu naik tangga *aduii penatnya sesak nafasku* bila nmpk masih dlm mmbersihkn klas, lega blum lgi guru mngajar. ok thats all I wanna tell you about my daily life.. enjoy ! :)